Working on kakahu while running her store, Huria Designs, at Pride Fest Out West. Connie was a lifelong resident of Te Atatū Peninsula and teaches kākahu (weaving koworai and harakeke flax) at the local community hub. Already an accomplished artist she...
TAP lab stories: Community
Donna-Maree Survivor
Donna-Maree Taonga market stall at Pride Fest Out West. Donna-Maree Smith had a brain meningioma removed 3 years ago, forcing her to have to relearn how to do everyday things. Despite those challenges she proves time and time again that nothing can slow her...
Old devices, new purpose
Danny from Kreative Kuki feeling like a winner with her own personal laptop to take home. Auckland council had a number of devices that were being retired from official service. Our IT guy Jaco not wanting to waste this potential asset took them in to refurbish and...
Rohan’s Bloom Effect Trees
Rohan, “I designed the Bloom Effect tree in the form of a stylized Pohutukawa tree. The Pohutukawa can live for up to 1,000 years, growing in what are often severely adverse conditions. They cling to windswept cliffs with their gnarled roots. They battle a...
Mānawatia a Matariki community!
This year the library has a pōhutukawa tree for guests to sit with and reflect on the past years events. We laser engraved the flowers so people could come and write names and messages for loved ones that have passed.
3D printed anti fog nose clips for the community
We had an enquiry on our Facebook page about 3D printed nose clips to stop glasses from fogging up when you wear a face mask. After a quick google we found an article about someone with a 3D printer in in Palmerston North who had been making them for his community AND...
3D printed ear savers used by food bank volunteers
Wearing a face mask all day is uncomfortable at the best of times, so we found an ear-saving device that can be easily 3D printed, provided free by user Georgeo_3D on the Thingiverse website.
ANZAC Wall Tiles
ANZAC display at the Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre For ANZAC day this year Simon (Rox Designs) put together a beautiful display dedicated to our fallen soldiers that fused traditional craftsmanship and modern-day technology. Simon designed and crafted 12 laser...
Geek Out for Pride
Prop sword and shield workshop This year as part of Pride Month we were lucky to be part of Geek Out for Pride. This is a rainbow community pop culture event featuring gaming, cosplay, comics and workshops in a friendly, supportive environment. Unfortunately it had to...