Take this into a West Liquor outlet with proof of address to claim your toolkit.
TAP:lab is our community makerspace: a joint initiative between the council and the community to foster creativity and develop skills for everyone in Te Atatu. There’s a simple way you can help out our little community of makers, and it won’t cost you a thing. The Trusts are generously offering every household in the area a small toolkit to help with household repairs. It’s a great little kit and would be perfect for the kind of workshops we run at TAP:lab. If you don’t want your toolkit, we’d love to take it off your hands.
Here’s how it works: take your voucher into any West Liquor outlet with proof of address (recent phone or power bill) and you can claim your free toolkit. If you email president@taplab.nz with your address, we’ll come and collect it from your letterbox, or arrange another way to collect it that’s convenient to you.
You’ll be helping out the community by giving people the tools to be able to make and repair things.